Evolution of a Young Adult Author

stef wade

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Stef Wade and I am a writer. You may know me from my work on cooking and home blog Haute Apple Pie, you may be a fellow writer, young adult novel enthusiast, encouraging friend or perhaps we have the same DNA. Whatever your reason, welcome to stefwade.com, my own little creative corner of the internet.

For those of you visiting from Haute Apple Pie, don’t worry! I will still be hanging out in my kitchen, blogging about my latest recipes. For those of you who prefer take out or store your shoes in your oven, this site probably suits you better.

I do not plan to constantly blog about myself, but I do want to give some background so you can better understand who is writing these words and why. I was born in Chicago and grew up in the northwest suburb of Des Plaines, nestled along the train tracks. My hometown later became the inspiration for my novel, SOMETHING TO PROVE, which I am currently looking to publish.

From the very moment I put pen to paper, I knew writing was my passion. I’ll never forget the one-sided worksheet given for my first second grade creative writing assignment. My large, bubbly words extended far off the front, on to the back and to the extra sheets sitting at the front of the room. I was angry when time was up and we moved onto math. I had more to say.

Early on I dreamed of being a writer and later turned my writing dreams toward more “practical” areas, leading me to a degree in advertising, advanced degree in business administration and a career in marketing. While writing about corrugated cardboard boxes sounds sexy, it only quenches your thirst for creativity for so long. After giving birth to my son, I knew I had two callings. First: to be the best mom I can be. Second: to be the best writer I can be.

Through the turns and turmoils, I thoroughly enjoyed my adolescence and loved my junior high, high school and college experiences. Channeling that time is easy and accessible for me. Because of this, I’m drawn to young adult fiction and have chosen the path of a young adult author.

So here I am! Looking to make my dreams come true. I have a completed young adult contemporary fiction novel titled SOMETHING TO PROVE, for which I’m currently seeking representation and publication.

As for stefwade.com, this is a place where creativity abounds, including inside looks at my latest works, special novel “extras,” poetry, young adult news, good reads, creative writing exercises and more. Whether you are a reader or a writer (or both!), I invite you to join me in my journey. After all, it’s the friends you make along the way that make journeys worth your while.

Thanks for reading!

xo stef wade green